~Free Bee swarm removal
Northern Ireland Free Bee Swarm Removal
My first call out of 2016 was to remove a very large hive and a large quantity of honey from within a slated roof in Newry. The owners though the nest was small as they only ever see a few hundred bees on the outside of the peak of the gavel wall at any one time. After removing quite a few slates from both slopes and cut out the felt we revealed 3 and a half feet down both slopes from the peak of the roof a foot wide between the first joists full of honey just behind the fascia and they had started to go deeper and build on top of the insulation of the cavity wall - it wouldn't have been long to they went deeper into the house. That is 7 square feet of honey comb and thousands of bees.
If you see a swarm of bees please report it and have it removed before they decide to live where they are not wanted as this was a very expensive operation for the home owner given they were out the expense of the hire of a cherry picker and a joiner to aid in repairing the roof felt that was destroyed and the removal of the slates and coping.
The whole operation took 8 hours non stop to remove the slates, the felt and cut out the comb and vacuum out the remaining bees and repair the roof.
They did end up with a very big Tupperware box of pure honey.
Free Bee Swarm Removal.
Due to an increase in a plague of bee swarms invading Northern Ireland I'd like to offer a Free Bee Swarm removal service to anyone troubled with bee swarms within Northern Ireland. I can usually service the Armagh, Down, Tyrone, and Antrim regions but recently taken on Londonderry Derry and surrounding regions. Outside of these regions I can still provide advice and useful contacts that will be willing to remove any troublesome Bee Swarms and nests for free.
Even if a Bee Swarm is not yet causing trouble and its spotted perhaps sitting in a tree, in an urban area, please report it! Unfortunately they're just resting before their scouts find them a suitable home. Unfortunately this suitable new home may not be very convenient to the human population if it turns out to be a neighbours cavity wall, roof space or chimney.
What Do WE DO with the bees.
Troublesome Bee Swarms will be removed and rehoused with a Bee keeper and will not be exterminated at all costs.
WHy is this service free.
Truthfully a Bee Swarm is worth some money. Not a lot of money, in fact a lot lot less than it would cost you to seek an exterminator. However Bees are very much endangered due to a number of diseases and mites introduced to Northern Ireland and poor Winter weather conditions. Its important we do our best to help Bee Swarms find a suitable new home.
WHATs a bee swarm and whats not a bee swarm.
When a honey bee colony outgrows its current space, the queen and roughly half the bees leave to find a new home. First they land on a tree branch, bush, or some other location usually 3-10 feet off the ground. This soft, fuzzy group of bees is called a swarm, and is typically the size of a football or basketball. They stay this way for a few hours or a few days, while scout bees are looking for a suitable place to live. Then the swarm leaves. (Honey bee swarms do NOT look like nests made of paper.)
If you see the above please contact me. You've spotted a Bee Swarm on the look out for a new home.
This photo is a wasp nest, and does not contain or support honey bees. Call an exterminator. Honey bees do not create nests in the open, preferring enclosed spaces.
While the swarm is formed, the bees are extremely gentle. They have no home to protect, no young to care for, and no honey stores. Call a beekeeper right away as soon as you notice a swarm appearing, so we can come collect them and relocate the bees to an apiary where they will be cared for.
Try to identify whether what you have are actually honey bees (bottom left) using the chart below.
I need help urgently.
Unfortunately I have a job and that comes first but I'm usually free mid afternoon until late and most weekends.
Please complete the form at the bottom of the page and I'll be in touch right away. If I haven't gotten back to you text me on I do not usually pick up calls on this number due to the number of PPI calls etc but if its a local 02837 or 02838 etc number I just might - and please don't leave voicemail's. I really prefer people to complete the form at the bottom of the page so that i have all the details noted so that I can prepare accordingly and gather the correct equipment. should it be an extending swarm catching bag to a chimney sweep brush.
I'm usually travelling between Armagh and Belfast each day and I don't mind a detour so I can provide my services any where in between and further afield but just for good measure I can cover Belfast, Portadown, Ulster, Lisburn, Newry,, Banbridge, Armagh, Antrim, Lurgan, Dungannon, Moira, Dromore, Hillsborough, Dungannon, Dundonald, Newtownards, Downpatrick and Dundalk, Warrenpoint, Monaghan, Rostrevor, Hilltown, Rathfriland, Caledon & Keady and much further afield. My associates cater for Londonderry, Derry, Letterkenny, Strabane, Newtownstewart, Claudy, Omagh, Draperstown, Magherafelt, Randalstown, Ballymena, Cookstown.
Other Areas and Pest control
If I'm unavailable I will do my best to find a will bee remover in your area. If you contact pest control they will likely not take the case unless the bees are causing a major health concern as they are not allowed to kill off bees as they are not considered a pest and are considered endangered